A Vintage saved by the months of September and October, which were exceptional.
A summer-like spring and a spring-like summer and an optimal autumn… This, more or less, summarises the Vintage.
The weather conditions in spring, reminiscent of summer, suggested that it would be a relatively early harvest. But a summer, which more resembled spring in character, slowed down the maturity, above all that of Grenache. Autumn, however, enhanced eve-rything, and, ultimately, provided fantastic condi-tions for the harvest.
We got so close to a really Perfect Vintage... A wonderfully fresh July smiled on the Syrah. Unfortunately, rain at the end of August and the beginning of September impacted on what hitherto had been a Vintage of extraordinary potential.
That said, however 2011 remains at a very high level, richly fruited and with good typicity, faithful to Terroirs so admired by Wine Lovers around the whole world.
Saint Pierre de Bœuf, Mauves, Chavanay, Sainte Epine.
Type of soilGranite-Clay Soils.
AgeingNew oak casks - Allier and Tronçais.
BottlingWithout fining and filtration.
CépagesSerine Syrah
Mid crimson. Clean, glossy, just-ripe Syrah. Nervy and lightly oaked. Still quite fragile fruit with the oak still evident. A bit skinny.
Jancis Robinson
, 15,5/20